We want to provide our patients with the very best care. To do this we need to have the right people, with the right skills in the right place at the right time.
As part of the NHS response to the Francis Inquiry, ensuring we have transparency and assurance for patients, friends and family is important. We ensure that safe staffing levels are maintained at all times in line with the national quality board requirements.
All inpatient areas have staffing boards to clearly indicate the levels of planned and actual staff on duty on a daily basis.
The information we publish relates to the planned actual staffing levels. Differences between the planned and actual staffing maybe for a variety of reasons such as sickness or vacancies, while areas which appear to be higher than planned may be due to an increased requirement of a specific staff group to meet the needs of the patients at that time.
Duty rotas are planned in advance and staffing needs are reassessed daily by the senior nursing teams for each area to ensure that changing needs are met.
Full details are reported as part of our public meetings with our Board of Directors.
You can view the latest staffing levels published in our Board of Director reports using our online resource search.