On this page
Keeping information about you private
We keep records about you and your health so we can look after you.
What kind of information do we use?
- Your name, where you live and how old you are
- Who you live with and who looks after you
- What care we have given you
- Photographs we take of you
- Results and scans of your body, like X-rays
We keep this information on:
- Computers
- Paper medical records
We always keep your information private.
Why do we keep this information?
- People in the hospital who look after you can use your information to look after you
- Sometimes we might need to share your records to look after you, such as to your GP or another doctor or nurse who looks after you
- People who use your information cannot tell anyone about what you say to them, unless they are worried about your safety, or the safety of someone else
- Sometimes we need to use your information to help other people, to teach them or learn new things. We will remove your name, age and where you live so no one will know it’s about you
- If you want to look at your records or if you have some questions about them, or don’t think they are correct, please ask a member of staff and we can help
- Ask your doctor or nurse any questions you want. You can also speak to the Data Protection Officer whose job it is to keep help us keep your information safe and private
Further information
Data protection officer contact
Data Protection Officer,
Information Governance Department,
University Hospital of North Tees,
Hardwick Road,
TS19 8PE
Phone 01642 624470
Monday to Friday –
Email [email protected]
Last reviewed: 20 May 2018