An NHS doctor from Ukraine is leading our campaign to raise funds and send vital medical equipment to people in his homeland.
Foundation doctor Vladyslav Vovk is working closely with us to help people in the country of his birth.
Vladyslav lived in the Ukraine as a young child and still has family and friends living there. Now he is working with the Trust to send supplies to the injured and needy.
The organisation is gathering together items related to trauma injuries including bandages, sutures, scissors, gauze, chest drains and seals and needle holders.
Vladyslav and the Trust are also raising funds to go to those in need.
This is part of a joint regional effort of NHS staff who have formed a group, Medical Aid Ukraine North East, to raise funds and collect supplies.
Vladyslav’s story
Ukraine appeal
Hello there, I’m Vlad, I’m one of the foundation doctors at North Tees and Hartlepool currently working at GP.
I am Ukrainian myself, I came here when I was nine-years-old so the situation’s affecting us all really.
I’ve got a lot of family here but also back in Ukraine as well. Two cousins – one of them is currently in a hospital for children in the centre of Kyiv. So things are going to get pretty tough very shortly.
And one of my cousins managed to flee Kyiv with her young baby girl. She’s doing okay at the moment.
But really I’m appealing to you all in terms of the crisis that’s going on in Ukraine at the moment. The scale of which has never been seen recently, after 1945.
So many people are in need of your aid and I urge everyone who can to donate.
Vladyslav said: “I am shocked and horrified at what is going on in my country.
“Hospitals are in need of supplies and equipment. Rather than feel totally powerless, I want to play my part to help.
“Working with the Trust, we are working hard to gather items and funding to help the country and its people.”
Vladyslav, who is 26, has family in the country including a cousin who is a paediatric doctor who works in Kyiv and a grandmother who lives in a town in Western Ukraine.
All goods donated will be packaged and transported to the Poland border.
He said: “This is somewhere where I grew up before moving to the UK as a child. It’s where I still have so many family and friends.
“I have a cousin who is a doctor and helping injured people, another cousin with a six-month-old baby who has had to flee from her home and a grandmother who is 90 and lives alone.
“This is scary – I’m worried what this situation could become.
“I urge everyone to do what they can to help.
“Every penny people give to our cause will go towards those innocent people in such desperate need in my homeland.”
Working with our Trust
NTH Solutions is our subsidiary company and who manage estates services for the organisation. They are helping lead the donation of supplies and equipment.
Mike Worden, managing director, said: “As an organisation, we have a duty to do all we can to help those in need in the Ukraine.
“We are currently working with our suppliers to quickly identify supplies we will be able to send across.
“Although it can feel like we are powerless at a world level, we can all play our part in relation to the things that are within our control. And if everyone does this, I believe it adds up to a significant impact.”
Deepak Dwarakanath, the Trust’s medical director, said: “As an organisation, we are shocked at the situation unfolding in the Ukraine.
“So many innocent people are needlessly and tragically losing their lives. And so many millions of others in neighbouring countries – including in Russia – are severely impacted by this ongoing crisis.
“As one of the largest employers in the region – with staff and members of our community directly affected – we feel duty bound to do all we can to help.
“I urge anyone who can, to please make a donation to our collection and help make a difference.”
Donate to our Ukraine appeal
To donate to the Trust’s fund, visit JustGiving.