We would like to thank the family of a man who died of COVID-19 for their extraordinary fundraising of £5,036.
Kirsty Wass and her husband David, from Hartlepool, were determined to raise the funds for the ITU service at University Hospital of North Tees after Kirsty’s father, Colin Sutheran, 60, died while the team cared for him in May 2021.
Kirsty said: “Dad tested positive the day before he was due to have his vaccine.
“It was just awful. Everyone at the hospital did their best but he couldn’t be saved.
“I was fixated on raising £5,000 for the unit and wouldn’t stop until I hit the target! We did a charity evening at a social club, raffles and some friends even did sponsored swims.
“I’m really pleased we raised this in my Dad’s name because we know it’ll help the ITU team care for other people like my father.”
Kirsty is a mother of two daughters aged 6 and 1. She continues to run the business she shared with her father – a children’s clothing boutique called Thea’s Wardrobe in Hartlepool.
Mr Sutheran is survived by his wife Sue.
Kirsty commented: “We’re getting mum through it. It’s so sad, they were looking forward to enjoying a nice retirement, but we’re looking after and doing what we can.”
Tom Bingham, senior clinical matron for ITU, said: “We’re so grateful to Kirsty, her family and friends for this incredible fundraising.
“We can barely believe that Kirsty and her family have used their loss and grief to help others like this. It’s just so kind and we can’t thank them enough.”