This free training session is aimed at both new and experienced early years leads and SENDCos. It covers speech, language and communication (SLC) development and difficulties, and how to support these in your setting.
The session is delivered by an experienced speech and language therapist and includes a brief overview of SLC needs and their impact, with video examples and discussion.
You will also have the opportunity to look through a large number of resources that are available – many of these are free and online.
The example resources will cover a number of topics:
- Development of speech and language and identifying SLC needs
- Universal strategies for SLC support
- Considerations for targeted interventions
- Teaching spoken language and EYFS resources
- Whole setting strategy for speech, language and communication
- Working with parents
What is the course for?
This course will support you to:
- Develop skills in facilitating your staff group to identify and support SLC in your setting, considering strategies for all children and when to step up support for individual children
- Consider best evidence for targeted interventions in your setting
- Develop an understanding of when specialist support from speech and language
therapy needs to be considered (and what information is required to make a
referral) - Give SENDCos an opportunity to become familiar with resources, training and
websites that may be useful in your setting.
How long is this course?
Three hours.
Who should attend?
Early Years Leads, SENDCos or staff in a similar role in early years settings.
Which children will it help?
We aim to offer advice and signpost to resources that could benefit all children, including those with identified SLC needs.
Can we offer it as INSET?
This session was not developed with a whole setting team in mind, but please feel free
to contact us if you are interested in something similar for your staff group.
We can also provide this training for groups of SENDCos or a network of settings.
How to book
Please book your place by Monday 27 January.
This course is free, however there is a maximum of two places per setting.
It is essential to book onto our courses by completing our booking form and awaiting a confirmation email to confirm your place. Unfortunately, we cannot accept attendees who have not booked a place prior to the course closing date.
You can book your place on our training courses by:
- booking form – fill in our online booking form or request a digital form by email
- by phone – contact Leanne McCluskey on 07827 954333 or at [email protected]