Information for patients
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What is an Enuresis Alarm?
An Enuresis Alarm is a good way of overcoming bedwetting. It works by alarming when it senses that you are wet. Over time this can train your brain to wake before you begin to wet.
It is important to recognise that the alarm is not suitable for everybody and it does require a lot of patience and perseverance.
If the alarm goes off:
- Switch it off as soon as you can.
- Visit the toilet to make sure you have fully emptied your bladder.
And then…
- Remove wet sheets and remake bed.
- Clean and reset the alarm.
- Go back to sleep.
Before bed:
- Avoid drinking 1 hour and 30 minutes before going to bed.
- Practice double voiding before bed (counting to ten after weeing then trying to wee again).
- Be able to set the alarm up yourself.
- Before you fall asleep say to yourself, “I will wake up if I need a wee” five times.
- If you do wake up during the night, visit the bathroom and try to have a wee.
The Enuresis Alarm may start to work within two weeks of using it. You may notice that the wet patches begin to get smaller, that you start to wake for wees during the night or you experience dry nights.
Remove the alarm after 14 dry nights in a row.
Wet – Stop 3+ Enuresis Alarm
The Enuresis Alarms, which are used by the Children’s Continence Team, are called the Wet – Stop 3+ Enuresis Alarm. This is a single patient use alarm, therefore does not need to be returned to the team following use.
The alarm will require 2x AAA Batteries.
Please read the instruction leaflet prior to use.
Chart to record episodes when Enuresis Alarm triggered

Contact numbers
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Children’s Services Hub
Children’s Continence Team
Monday to Friday
09.00am to 17.00pm
Telephone: 01429 522417
Comments, concerns, compliments or complaints
Patient Experience Team (PET)
We are continually trying to improve the services we provide. We want to know what we’re doing well or if there’s anything which we can improve, that’s why the Patient Experience Team (PET) is here to help. Our Patient Experience Team is here to try to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible. The office is based on the ground floor at the University Hospital of North Tees if you wish to discuss concerns in person. If you would like to contact or request a copy of our PET leaflet, please contact:
Telephone: 01642 624719
Freephone: 0800 092 0084
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4:00pm
Email: [email protected]
Out of hours
Out of hours if you wish to speak to a senior member of Trust staff, please contact the hospital switchboard who will bleep the appropriate person.
Telephone: 01642 617617
Data protection and use of patient information
The Trust has developed Data Protection policies in accordance with Data Protection Legislation (UK General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018) and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. All of our staff respect these policies and confidentiality is adhered to at all times. If you require further information on how we process your information please see our Privacy Notices.
Telephone: 01642 383551
Email: [email protected]
Privacy NoticesLeaflet feedback
This leaflet has been produced in partnership with patients and carers. All patient leaflets are regularly reviewed, and any suggestions you have as to how it may be improved are extremely valuable. Please write to the Clinical Governance team, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital of North Tees, TS19 8PE or:
Email: [email protected]
Leaflet reference: PIL1446
Date for Review: August 2026