More than 6,000 people in the UK die from suicide every year – equivalent to 16 tragic losses of life every single day.
One-in-20 people will attempt suicide in their lifetime. Men are more likely to end their own lives than women are, but the numbers of young women seeing it as their only option is sadly rising. *
Friday 10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day, an international campaign dedicated to raising awareness of suicide, its causes and the measures we can all take to reduce the number of suicides in our community.
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust is supporting World Suicide Prevention Day and urging everyone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts to reach out for help.
Deepak Dwarakanath, Trust medical director, said: “Suicide truly is a tragedy.
“To think that someone is in such a desperate situation that they see it as their only escape is just heart breaking.
“But there is always help available. There’s expert help such as The Samaritans but you can also reach out to a friend, a neighbour, a work colleague. Anyone really.
“If you’re in that dark place, please ask for help. You will get the support you need and be welcomed with open arms.
“You are not alone.”
If you need help
The following organisations can all help anyone considering suicide:
- The Samaritans – call 116 123 for immediate help or email [email protected] (24 hour response time)
- NHS 111 – call 111 for immediate help
- Your local GP
Warning signs
The campaign also encourages people to look out for family members or friends displaying potential warning signs that could mean they are contemplating suicide.
Warning signs can include: **
- Talking about suicide
- Seeking out potentially lethal items
- Preoccupation with death
- Expressing no hope for the future
- Self-loathing
- Getting affairs in order
- Saying goodbye with unusual or unexpected visits or calls
- Withdrawing from others
- Self-destructive behaviour
- Sudden sense of calm
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust will be posting a series of social media messages on Friday 10 September to provide advice and highlight the available support for those in need.
Information sources:
* Samaritans information for the media
** Samaritans information on suicide avoidance