The annual Stoptober campaign to encourage smokers to quit the habit is upon us again, and this year we’ve used the occasion to launch our new ‘no smoking’ signage.
The University Hospital of North Tees and University Hospital of Hartlepool have received mini-makeovers, with new vibrant images adorning windows and doors along with new posters, display stands and patient information leaflet reminding everyone that all hospitals are smoke-free.
New Stoptober signage
Bright, colourful and impossible to miss, the new signage drives the ‘no smoking’ message home.
Deepak Dwarakanath Stop Smoking introduction
My name is Deepak Dwarakanath I am the medical director and deputy chief executive of the trust.
Title card:
We’ve got new signage throughout all of our three hospital sites. This is there to clearly emphasize the patients and staff and visitors of the trust that this is a none smoking site.
Title card: We are unveiling our new ‘no smoking’ window displays
No one is allowed to smoke once they enter our site this is both for their own protection and for the protection of their loved ones.
The whole emphasis on coming into hospital is to improve your health.
Title card: Smoking is not allowed on any NHS site
Smoking as a patient, relative or visitor this will only worsen your health.
Title card: Smoking while in hospital will effect your recovery!
If you are already a patient and come to the hospital with a respiratory or a cardiac problem this will delay your recovery and probably worsen your prognosis over time.
Title card: Patients and visitors shouldn’t have to breathe in smoke when coming to hospital
We are here to support you and help you stop smoking.
Title card: The NHS can help you quit!
Yes we’ve worked hard over the last few years to ensure that we provide the most support possible for patients and staff when they are smokers.
Title card: Stockton residents can call 01642 383819 for quit support
Title card: Hartlepool residents can call 01429 402814 for quit support
This is to ensure that we help with nicotine withdrawal with the appropriate nicotine root laser therapies.
Trust medical director Deepak Dwarakanath said: “The new signage clearly emphasises to visitors and staff that these are non-smoking sites. No one is allowed to smoke anywhere on our grounds.
“This is to protect our patients, staff and visitors and their loved ones. However, the whole reason you come to hospital is to improve your health but smoking whilst in hospital will impact negatively on your health.
We have patients coming into our hospitals for chemotherapy. They shouldn’t have to breathe in smoke on their way to getting their treatment.
Nor should the hundreds of babies born at North Tees that have to breathe cigarette smoke in their very first lungful of fresh air when they’re being taken home.
Deepak Dwarakanath, medical director
Protecting our patients and visitors
The Trust’s chief executive Julie Gillon leads a project to reduce smoking among pregnant women in the locality.
Stoptober is a fantastic time to think on and reflect on those ladies who can make a make a real difference to their babies and children by giving up smoking.
Julie Gillon, chief executive
Specialist stop smoking advisor Rafeed Rashid said:”Smokers are five times more likely to quit if they can get past the first 28 days.
“It is helpful to know that there are thousands stopping smoking this Stoptober. Quitting isn’t easy, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your health.”
Specialist stop smoking advisor Rafeed Rashid
Title card: Specialist stop smoking advisor Rafeed Rashid
It is a great time for smokers to make a good attempt during Stoptober to achieve better health by stopping smoking for 28 days.
Title card: Smokers are five times more likely to quit
Research shows that you are more likely to remain as a non-smoker and increasingly chances are five times to remain as a non-smoker.
Title card: We offer lots of support to people who smoke
Title card: Stockton residents can call 01642 383819 for quit support
Title card: Hartlepool residents can call 01429 402814 for quit support
There is a lot of support available for all and on the awards, for in-patient support is available in the form of nicotine replacement therapy and upon discharge, we do encourage staff to make referrals into the community so smokers do have access to specialist services when you go back into the community.
Where you can get help
Stockton residents can contact the Specialist Stop Smoking Service on 01642 383819.
Hartlepool residents should call Hartlepool Borough Council’s Community Connectors on 01429 402814.
Smoke free champion Sue Singh
Title card: Smoke free champion Sue Singh
Hi, my name is Sue and I work at the main outpatient department.
Title card: Sue advises a distraction like eating some fruit or taking a walk to get past cravings
I am a smoke-free champion and an advocate for healthy living. I think it’s really important if you feel like you’ve got a craving coming on grab yourself a piece of fruit maybe have a glass of water or take yourself on a healthy walk.