“It’s a conversation that could save lives” – that’s our as we urge organ donors to discuss their decision with their loved ones.
As Organ Donation Week (Monday 20 to Sunday 26 September) approaches, the Trust has revealed that during the last year, three selfless organ donors who sadly died under its care have helped 11 others to live.
Kevin Robinson, Trust non-executive director and chair of the organ donation committee, said: “Organ donors are heroes. It’s that simple.
“During the last year three people who had let their loved ones know of their decision about organ donation lost their lives in our hospitals. However, thanks to their selflessness and compassion, 11 other people, each one a complete stranger, didn’t die.
“Everyone needs to discuss organ donation with their loved ones to make sure their wishes are carried out in the event of their death. It’s not an easy conversation to have, no one would suggest otherwise, but it’s vital.
“It’s a conversation that could save lives.”
The theme of this year’s national Organ Donation Week is Leave Them Certain.
While the law now follows a presumed consent to be placed on the organ donor register, permission is still required from the next of kin should a deceased person’s organs be viable for organ donation.
Janine’s story
Janine: leave them certain
Hello, my name is Janine Tate, specialist nurse in organ donation.
The new law for organ donation is presumed consent. This means that if you want to opt out of organ donation, you need to put that on the organ donation register.
If you want to be a donor, please make sure that your family are aware of this.
Please leave them certain so they know what your decisions are with organ donation.
Thank you.
Janine Tate, specialist organ donation nurse, commented: “I was just 24 when I witnessed a heart transplant. I saw the gentleman before, during and after his surgery. It was a moving experience and inspired me to consider moving my career towards organ donation as a specialism.
“Later on I cared for a nine-year old girl who also had a heart transplant. I watched her walk out of the hospital! After that, my mind was made up about how I wanted to spend my working life.
“It’s just so important to discuss your decision about organ donation. Your loved ones will always be consulted before organ donation goes ahead, so they need to know they are fully aware of what you want after your death.
“Please don’t delay, lives are depending on it. Speak to your family about organ donation and leave them certain.”
Janine: family decision
Hi. If you choose to be an organ donor, you can save up to nine lives and help make 40 other people have a better life.
If you wish to be an organ donor, please make sure you leave your family certain. This would prevent lots of families in the most difficult times in their lives having to decide whether they want to support you being an organ donor or not.
Please leave your family certain.
More information about organ donation
One organ donor can save up to nine lives and a further 40 can live healthier lives through tissue donation.
For more information, visit our organ donation webpage.
To register your decision, visit the NHS Organ Donor Register and share your decision with your family. Users of the NHS app, can also use this to record, check or amend their details or decision.