Members of the nursing team specialising in the treatment of sepsis have been putting the spotlight on it as part of an awareness day.
Sepsis is life threatening – but it can be hard to spot.
There are lots of possible symptoms, which can be like those of other conditions, including flu or a chest infection.
The team carry out a number of sepsis-related activities for staff as part of their roles which include drop in sessions, monthly deteriorating patient study days, training for new nurses at the Trust, training for junior doctors, helping wards care for septic patients, informational pocket cards, training for sepsis champions, sepsis audits and a screening tool and bundle for management of sepsis.
Robyn Highfield, the Trust’s deteriorating nurse specialist, said: “Our role is very much a mix of both educational and clinical.
“Our main focus is empowering our health care professionals to appropriately manage the septic patient and improve the care we provide for the deteriorating patient as a whole – and raise the profile of this.”
If you think you or someone you look after has symptoms of sepsis, call 999 or go to A&E.
For more information on the symptoms to look out for, visit