We have teamed up with a Hartlepool charity to help carers get the support they need.
Hartlepool Carers will have a dedicated contact working with North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust.
Support officer Sharon Cook will be the first point of call for anyone providing unpaid care to loved ones.
Sharon has a range of experience in areas including mental health nursing and as a case worker. She will be available at both the University Hospital of Hartlepool and the University Hospital of North Tees. She can help anyone from the Hartlepool area.
Christine Fewster is chief executive at Hartlepool Carers. She said: “We know many members of our community require essential support to attend appointments in outpatients and support loved ones when they are admitted to hospital.
“This can be such a stressful time for families, especially the person providing care.
“We want to ensure carers understand they do not need to be in receipt of any carer specific benefits, caring for a certain number of hours or be in a paid capacity to receive our support.
“We can help identify services that may be available to families and ensure carers have access to essential services to enable them to live well around their caring role in their community.
“Providing care can be challenging, especially within the current cost of living crisis.
“We are looking forward to work with Health colleagues to ensure our community can access to the right support at the right time.”
More information
Call: Christine Fewster or Sharon Cook on 01429 283095
Visit: Hartlepool Carers, 19A Lowthain Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8BH