Medical students got their first experience of hands-on hospital training after a series of COVID-19 safe sessions.
We welcomed a group of second year students from Sunderland University’s new medical school for a consolidated teaching skills week.
The Trust would normally hold a series of half-day sessions for teaching within the hospital setting but these were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The teaching was developed to instil clinical skills in a bespoke education unit at the University Hospital of Hartlepool.
Director of undergraduate clinical studies Dolon Basu and our medical education team organised the amended programme. Consultants and doctors in training with an interest in medical education deliver the training.
The students will also have some mental health assessment teaching delivered by the medical education faculty at Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
Consultant gastroenterologist Vikram Mitra said: “It has been a real pleasure to be involved in the clinical teaching skills week.
“COVID-19 has brought along a unique set of challenges in delivering undergraduate medical education.”

Dr Mitra added: “Students have the opportunity to attend lectures and demonstrations in a socially distanced environment. Hands-on examination on simulation models and role play in small groups under close supervision from the teaching faculty followed.
“Students described this learning experience as unique and enriching – they are thrilled to be in a safe hospital setting.
“The faculty described the programme as well-structured and enjoyed interacting with the students in this new non-acute COVID-safe hospital environment.”