On this page, you will find important information about the upcoming industrial action and its potential impact.
What is the dispute?
Trade unions representing NHS staff are in dispute with the government over the 2022/23 pay award.
A number of the unions have balloted their NHS members to take part in industrial action.
When will the strikes take place and who is involved?
Health Care Assistants represented by Unison will strike across the group partnership from 7am Monday 11 to 7am Tuesday 12 March in a dispute over back pay.
How will it be resolved?
The NHS wants to see a resolution as soon as possible, but pay is a matter for the government and the trade unions.
How will this affect the Trust?
The strikes will have an impact on our services and we have robust measures in place to mitigate the impact as much as possible.
I have a hospital appointment on the strike days
Please attend any hospital appointment as planned. The NHS will always contact you if your appointment needs to be rescheduled for any reason.
If your appointment is postponed, please do not travel to a neighbouring hospital unless advised to do so by the NHS.
What if I have a medical emergency?
All emergency departments will remain open, including those in hospitals which are impacted by strike action.
If you need medical help or advice, go to NHS 111 online. If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 999.
Will my GP or pharmacy by affected by the strikes?
GP services are not impacted by this strike action. Please continue to attend your GP appointments, unless you are contacted and told otherwise.
Your local pharmacy can offer advice and support for many common ailments.
How can I help?
The NHS is asking patients to use services wisely during industrial action. NHS.UK has more information on when to call 999 and when to go to A&E.
Patients should take advice from 111 and 999 call-handlers on whether there are circumstances where it is suitable for them to make their own way to A&E.
The NHS is also asking the public to play their part by taking simple steps during industrial action to look after themselves, loved ones and checking in on vulnerable family members and neighbours.
Where can I get more information?
For more details about health services during planned industrial action please visit the NHS England website.