The specialist alcohol care team is extending its hours in clinical areas – helping any hospital inpatient receive expert support if needed.
It has been nearly a year since the team launched – offering advice and support to patients with alcohol related conditions and they have already seen nearly 1,000 patients.
The service will now extend over seven days a week, 8am until 8pm.
Hayley Douglas, alcohol lead nurse, said: “We are here to offer that specialist support to our patients – something which can be easily overlooked when a patient is admitted to hospital.
“Over the last 10 months we have been working with staff including the nursing and medical teams – as well as patients needing our support – to ensure any alcohol related needs are being met.
“We are really pleased with the progress made to date but know we can do even more with the extended hours.”
All patients admitted into hospital will be asked three questions called the Audit C.
This will help staff decide whether a referral to the alcohol care team is needed. If so, the team will then complete the full audit on their initial assessment.