In a heartfelt letter to home schooling parents across Teesside, a leading health care chief has penned an encouraging letter as they head into half term.
Julie Gillon, Chief Executive of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust has expressed her gratitude and understanding of the challenges parents are facing during the pandemic.

She writes ‘we know and appreciate how much pressure you have all faced in your new roles as educators. Homeschooling, almost a year on is one of the hottest topics of the pandemic. From the self-awarded OFSTED ratings of ‘requires improvement’ and the endless social media memes and tik-tok posts about the matter – parents have handled their new responsibilities with humour, self-awareness and a real appreciation of our education community and all that they do to support our youngest members of our society.
Half term
This half term we would encourage all parents across the region to enjoy a break from long division and phonics. One of the biggest considerations for the NHS as we continue to navigate the pandemic, and indeed post COVID is the need to focus on positive health and wellbeing. There can be no doubt of the impact the last 12 months have had on all of our lives. There must be some respite.
You are doing an amazing job, against a backdrop of such challenge for so many – whether that is access to online learning or simply maintaining a positive structured learning environment within the sanctuary of your own home. You are enough’.
When we emerge from this pandemic – these relationships will be stronger and more important than ever.
Mrs Gillon has reached out to a number of communities throughout the pandemic including head teachers and the wider business community to express her organisations thanks for their ongoing support. Explaining more about the notes of gratitude, she says ‘health care has not worked in isolation during this time. We cannot thank our local communities, businesses and other partners right across the region. When we emerge from this pandemic – these relationships will be stronger and more important than ever. We must all come together to future proof health care, education, the economy and the political landscape of Teesside’.