A group of Hartlepool women have raised money for their local breast unit during their annual charity walk.
The ladies completed a seven-mile walk on Tuesday 14 June, led by nine-month-old Lara, the niece of one of the organisers – all while collecting money for the breast unit.
The 10 women who took part in the group walk includes people who have been affected by breast cancer – either personally or through a family member’s diagnosis.
Together they raised a total of £860.70 to go towards the purchase of equipment in the unit. This will be used to benefit of those using the breast service.
The ladies walked from Hartlepool Marina to Seaton Carew and then back again – collecting donations along the way.
Val Kitching, a retired midwife from Hartlepool, organises the annual walk. She said: “We’re very thankful to the generous people of Hartlepool who donated as we walked.
“We do this walk every year to contribute, in our own small way, in improving this vital service for local people. And as a thank you for the care and support the breast care team provide to our community.
“We wear pink to make our cause known and we’re often approached by people who have been affected by breast cancer. And it’s always a pleasure to have a chat with them and listen to their story.”
The group has been raising money for the breast unit through their annual walk for around six years now.
On Thursday 7 July, they made their annual visit to the breast team at Hartlepool to present their cheque.
Breast care nurse Karen Milburn said: “We’re so grateful for the funds these fantastic ladies raise for us every year. We really appreciate them taking the time out to continue supporting us.
“This money will go towards buying new equipment for our unit to improve the breast service pathway for our patients.”

About our breast unit
Our breast units offer a number of different services including:
- Breast screening
- Screening assessment clinics
- Breast clinics
- Nipple/areola micro pigmentation
- Prosthetics
- Symptomatic breast services
For a full list of services and for more information, please visit our breast service page.