The endoscopy team were thrown a surprise thank you celebration for their dedication and support over the course of the coronavirus pandemic.
The service made a number of changes to respond – including the temporary closure of the Rutherford Morrison Unit at the University Hospital of Hartlepool and the redeployment of staff across both units to other clinical areas.
The bowel screening team also supported the service during this time to ensure patients always got the care they needed.
Alison McCullagh, ward matron, organised a surprise lunch for the team to welcome them back together.
She said: “At such a challenging time, the team came together. They did what they needed to so that patients got the care they needed.
“We thought differently and made changes so we could continue the service. Many staff were temporarily moved to other areas. They all approached the situation with a fantastic spirit.
“I am so proud of every one of them. It’s emotional to come back together after such a challenging few weeks.”