Care homes in Teesside have been full of praise for the support from an NHS infection control team in response to COVID-19.
Gill Roberts, infection prevention and control nurse at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. Has been a source of expertise for homes across Stockton and Hartlepool.
This has included running training sessions, giving advice and support over personal protective equipment (PPE). Informing staff about changes to guidance and signposting staff to appropriate resources.
Gill said: “Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak began, staff in care homes have faced a really challenging and unprecedented situation.
“As a community nurse I already have strong relationships with all of these care homes.
“I wanted to be a point of contact for any homes who felt they needed any extra training or support.
“Staff in homes across the area have been so open in coming to me for advice and support when they have needed it.
“Together, we have made a real difference.”
Gill’s training has included ensuring staff know the correct process for donning and doffing PPE. And building up a network of PPE safety officers in care homes.
Mark Mounter, manager at Teesdale Lodge Nursing Home in Thornaby, said: “Gill has been invaluable to us.
“Whenever we have needed her, she has always been on the other end of the phone to talk.
“She has visited us regularly to carry out training. To ensure we are satisfied that all of the appropriate infection control measures have been followed.
“She has gone above and beyond and has made a real difference to the care of our residents and staff.”
Caption: (Left to right) – carer assistant Michael Pinnegar, care home manager Mark Mounter, Peter Meeking (care home resident who successfully recovered from COVID-19), infection control nurses Clare Brookes and Gill Roberts.