We are celebrating another successful cohort of our highly commended 100 leaders programme.
The evaluation showcase, held at the University Hospital North Tees, hosted ten interactive project stands. These allowed staff to hear about and celebrate their colleagues’ success.
100 leaders brings together Trust staff, giving them skills and knowledge to deliver a change project within six months.
The objective of the programme is to encourage a working culture of collaboration and innovation, breaking down silos to connect staff from wide ranging roles and departments.
At April’s launch event, the leaders were tasked with delivering ten quality improvement projects to improve the quality of service offered to staff and patients.
Chief People Officer Dr Susy Cook said: “We have seen some fantastic projects come out of the 100 leaders programme. Most notably perhaps, our improvements to hospital wayfinding and staff wellbeing.
“Following their programme completion, we now encourage the leaders to take their knowledge, contacts and experience into their teams to continually improve the Trust’s offering.
“It has been incredibly rewarding for me to watch the leaders grow throughout the months, gaining the confidence and skillset needed to make these changes happen.”

100 leaders cohort 2 projects
Examples of cohort 2 projects include:
- Improving the green spaces available on hospital sites
- Developing a departmental shared governance role
- Raising awareness of wellbeing offers
The delegates have also been given support in the form of mentorship, an executive sponsor and various networking opportunities throughout the period.
Tim Carter is a porter and a cohort 2 pack leader. He said: “I have loved every minute on 100 leaders. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and given me skills to lead on a project that I care passionately about.”
“Being a porter, I meet hundreds of staff daily but I have never had the opportunity to work alongside them. This programme has gave me a set of valuable connections that I will now utilise in my future career.
“Before joining, I wasn’t aware of quality improvement and the impact that this has on our patients and staff. Now I feel confident to raise innovation ideas and get involved with future projects that will benefit our Trust.”
The Trust is looking to run another cohort of the 100 leaders programme in 2023.