You might need intermediate care if you require additional support in your own home to manage everyday tasks during your recovery. We can help you to regain physical strength, confidence and functional skills by providing a range of health and social care support for up to six weeks.
The intermediate care service will provide short-term support in the community based around personnel care, social support and or rehabilitation.
Intermediate care services across Stockton and Hartlepool are staffed by a variety of Health and Social care professionals including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, rapid response nurses, support staff and health and social care professionals. These staff all work closely together to develop an individualised plan of support to enable you in your recovery. The intermediate care service is here to assess your needs and help you remain safe at home in the short term as well as planning for any longer term needs that have been identified.
If you are in hospital, we will arrange the support and help you need to get you home as soon as you are medically fit. Once home we will do all we can to prevent you from going back into hospital.
The intermediate care service will:
- assess your short term care needs
- provide carers to support you with those needs for up to six weeks
- carry out assessments in your home
- provide you with equipment and make adjustments where necessary
- provide you with an exercise programme if you need it
- assess for any long term care needs or support that you require in the future and get the appropriate services involved
Making a referral
Health professionals should phone our single point of access on 01429 522500 to make a referral on behalf of their patient.
To make a self-referral patients can contact: