Community Matrons provide treatment, support and advice if you have a long-term condition or complex health need. Keeping you comfortable at home and out of hospital for as long as possible.
Our skilled team of senior nurses will work closely with you and your GP to manage your condition in the comfort of your own home. They will act as your case manager and be your single point of contact for care, support and advice.
What our service offers
If you are referred to the team, our skilled team of senior nurses will work closely with you and your GP to provide care for you. An individualised programme of up to 12 weeks, where we will create a care plan for your needs, will help you to manage your illness and support you at home.
Out Community Matrons are highly experienced, senior nurses who will:
- carry out an assessment and put a plan in place for your care
- assess and prescribe your medication
- assess your physical and mental health
- facilitate and promote independence
- refer you to other services if required
- spot early warning signs if your health starts to deteriorate and review the care being provided to prevent hospital admissions
After the 12-week programme, you will be referred back to your GP.
We provide care across Stockton and Hartlepool from Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 5pm.
Making a referral
Referrals to the service are made through your local GP practice via our Single Point of Access team.
You can contact us by phoning the single point of access after you have been referred to our community matrons service.
Further Resource
Our ‘living well with us’ information pages may provide some useful suggestions and further information on managing your health care condition from home.