A hospital chaplain is using this new exhibition to call on people to look after the planet and live in a more sustainable way.
Dave Russon has put together a display in the spirituality centre at the University Hospital of North Tees, challenging us all to think more about how we live and how we can change.
It includes several prayer points where people can pledge to make a difference.
One of these highlights how we have lost 50% of the world’s live coral over the last three decades. It then challenges people to pray for those making crucial decisions and to make a personal difference by always taking rubbish home with you when visiting the seaside.
Prayer points are written out on a piece of paper and placed into the plastic bottles.
Dave said: “Throughout lent, we are asking people to think more about how their actions can affect the world we live in.
“We must do much more. Even those of us who think we do a great deal can always make a change in how they are living.
“We are asking people to visit the display and write out a note to place in the plastic bottles – as the weight of this increases, this is a symbol of the weight we as a people put on the world and the difference we can all make.”
The same exhibition will be on display in the spirituality centre at the University Hospital of Hartlepool very soon.