We’re pleased to welcome back the cohort of final year medical students as they get set to become qualified doctors.
As key workers, the students have been invited to have their vaccinations alongside our staff as they get set to start clinical placements next week.
Three of the medical students – Sophie Whisson, Jon Phipps and Lucy Bradbury – received their vaccine this week.
Sophie said “I feel really lucky that I’ve been able to have it so quickly before starting clinical placement.”
Dr Dawn Noble is the fifth year lead for the undergraduate programme said. She said: “The process of sending the vaccine request to the student attending for vaccination has been very efficient and easy to incorporate into the current Trust vaccination planning.
“We recognise it’s vitally important that all students are kept safe on placement as essential workers alongside existing qualified staff. This will enable them to continue their clinical learning safely and maximise the opportunity to be fully prepared as our future foundation one doctors.”
For up-to-date information about Covid and Covid vaccinations, visit the NHS website.