Our medical director is calling on our communities to remain vigilant in the face of COVID-19.
We need to remain vigilant and continue to take serious precautions to protect ourselves and other members of society.
Deepak Dwarakanath, medical director
The appeal comes as our Trust sees a rise in COVID-19 patients and pressure on other services.
Deepak Dwarakanath, medical director, has warned: “Our region is unfortunately top of the league nationally for the number of patients with the virus.
“This has started to have an impact on hospital admissions.
“Two to three weeks ago we had no COVID patients in the Trust. Today we have 35 patients in our care – 12 were admitted in one day on Sunday. We also have six patients in intensive care – four of which are on ventilator support.
“These people aren’t elderly, they are younger or middle aged.
“This is still a massive problem and it is still with us.”
The Trust is planning for the winter period – one which is expected to be one of the busiest ever.
Dr Dwarakanath said: “Winter planning is well underway. Last year there were very few admissions of people with the flu – but with the increased mixing of people flu will be more of an issue
“There will be a further resurgence of COVID as the cold weather comes back. And there will be the usual pressures of frailty related illnesses.
“We must maintain our core services, in spite of these pressures, with cancer care and appointments.
“This will be one of the most pressured winters the NHS has ever had.
“My message to the public is – when you have the opportunity to have your vaccine – have it and then have your second jab. Wear a mask in confined areas and think about where you go. And be vigilant with hand washing and general hygiene.”
For up-to-date information about COVID-19, visit NHS England.